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2v vs 24v solar panel?

im aware i dont fully understand. but with what i do. if P = iv, and current changes with voltage, whats the point of changing either. if in any cicumstance, you end up with the same wattage, how does changing either effect a solar setup. (2v panel vs 24v)thanks in advance. explain in laymans if you can.


The choice of solar panel voltage comes down more to what the panels will be connected to. You're right that power can remain the same at the different voltages. Higher input (panel) voltages are sometimes used in inverter systems to reduce the effect of voltage draw-down. 2v panels (about 20v open circuit) work well for charging 2v batteries, connected in parallel, through a charge controller. For use of a grid-tie inverter, higher input voltages are sometimes used to reduce the effects of draw-down. You want to select and wire (parallel vs. series) your panels based on the input voltage requirement of the load, whatever it may be.

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