Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Silos > A grain silo is built from two right circular cones and a right circular cylinder with internal measurements.?

A grain silo is built from two right circular cones and a right circular cylinder with internal measurements.?

A grain silo is built from two right circular cones and a right circular cylinder with internal measurements represented by the figure above. Of the following, which is closest to the volume of the grain silo, in cubic feet?a. 1047.2 b. 785.4 c. 261.8 d. 916.3 Isn't it A.1047.2???


Volume of Cone hco = height of cone = 5ft r = radius = 5ft Vco = volume of cone = to be determined Vco = [πr?(hco)] / 3 Vco = 130.8996939ft? Volume of Two Cones 2Vco = 261.7993878ft? Volume of Cylinder hcy = height of cylinder = 10ft r = radius = 5ft Vcy = volume of cylinder = to be determined Vcy = πr?(hcy) Vcy = 785.3981634 Total Volume Vtot = Vcy + 2Vco = 1,047.1976ft? ≈1,047.2ft? The correct answer is option A.

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