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A project on Aluminum?

I'm doing a science project on Aluminum and need to know what the other metals are in the following ores:BauxiteCryoliteGibbsiteI have to know what percentage of it is which metal. Don't know if that makes much sense, but I really need help because I can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks :D


The bauxite is a sedimentary rock of chemical origin composed for the most part by alumina (Al2O3) and, in smaller measure, iron oxide and silica. It is the main aluminum source used by the industry. It is a residual taken place by the meteorización of the igneous rocks under conditions geomorfológicas and climatic favorable. Molecular formula: Na3AlF6 Synonym: Fluoroaluminato of sodium. Chemisorption of catechol on gibbsite, boehmite, and noncrystalline alumina... Alumina; Aluminium Oxyhydroxyde

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