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Can I put unfaced batt insulation (R30 Value) over old fluffy loose insulation in the attic?

A salesman at Loews told me I should remove all the old fluffy insulation with a powerful shop vac and just put the new faced batt insulation in the attic. What is your experience and advice on this matter to get the most energy efficiency and drop the heating and AC bills? The house was built in the 50's and I wouldn't be surprised if the insulation is that old too. I realize this old insulation may have vermiculite or asbestos but I plan to wear a mask and goggles. Any more advice you can offer?


ver·mic·u·lite [ v?r míky? l?t ] noun Definition: a compound used in growing plants: a hydrous silicate of aluminum, magnesium, or iron. Source: altered basic rocks. Use: insulation, lubricant, growing medium in horticulture. Etimology: [Early 19th century. < Latin vermiculus little worm (see vermicular), because of the way flakes of it expand and writhe in long shapes when heated]

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