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Additive and Subtractive Colour Theory of Light?

A balloon appears yellow when seen in white light, what colour will it be when it is in green light? magenta light?I don't get how to use the additive/subtractive colour theory of light in this question...


RGB vs CMY The additive color theory states that an object reflects or transmits light of the following colors by adding the two next to it (or leaving out the one that is missing: Red - Y+M Green - C+Y Blue - C+M Whereas subtractive color theory states that an object absorbs the following colors and produces the one next to them: Cyan - Red Magenta - Green Yellow - Blue Or by subtracting these two colors from each other: Cyan - G-Y Magenta - B-Y or R-C (there are conflicting theories about this one since magenta is actually an imaginary color) Yellow - G-C SO: a Yellow balloon is a balloon that reflects yellow light. Since there is yellow in green it will reflect that and look yellow if you shine a magenta light one it, magenta = -green which is the same as Red plus blue. Since yellow is absorption of blue, red will be reflected: it will be red
If its first wash then hand wash it 2 circumstances via skill of hand beneficial 2 circumstances although now no longer too much powder you will then rinse it - now no longer completely basically adequate to get maximum of cleansing soap out then placed it in washing pc for a properly rinse and spin. persist with concepts for tumble drying. you may desire to, if the colours have now no longer run, wash it with whites in long-term. If washed with coloureds it will come to a sort on up the dark wash onto the white.
Yellow is the sum of red and green light, so a yellow object reflects both red and green light. Thus it will appear red in any light containing red, green in any light containing green, and yellow in light containing both red and green in roughly equal amounts, such as white or yellow. The balloon will appear green in green light. Magenta is the sum of red and blue light, so the balloon will appear red. EDIT: I must disagree with the 2nd answer. Green light is a single additive primary color and doesn't contain yellow. When green shines on a yellow object, green is the only color present and the only color reflected.
Subtractive Colour Theory

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