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Air conditioning indoor outdoors or in the wind in the wind

Air conditioning indoor outdoors or in the wind in the wind


Indoor air fan of indoor machine cycle. No exchange of indoor and outdoor air out. Has the function of taking in fresh air machines, air conditioning is attached to a separate set of ventilation system, the outdoor air into the indoor.
Air conditioning with air change device, a ventilation pipe to outdoor, through the fan for indoor and outdoor air ducts Inside the machine, there are two fan, one is blown out of the air conditioning, and another one about 5 ~ 7 cm in diameter of the pipe, the air in the room went out, so that the room is relatively negative pressure, the fresh air from the door, everywhere, come in, to achieve the purpose of ventilation
The wind of air conditioning indoor machine fan is indoor air circulation, has nothing to do with outside air. Unless the air conditioning with air change device, a ventilation pipe to outdoor, through the fan for indoor and outdoor air ducts
Is indoor. Household air conditioning "air supply" mode is only play the role of fan. For household air conditioner, the vast majority of air distribution mode is only air conditioning fan motor working of the indoor machine, return air into the indoor air from air conditioning, blown out by the outlet fan motor, fan motor, air conditioner outdoor compressor doesn't work, such as play a role similar to ordinary fan, but the effect is far worse than a fan. Only a handful of household air-conditioner installed "fresh air tube", also is to use duct from outdoor fresh air into the air conditioning, blow out after air conditioner filter, adjust temperature to the room. This kind of air conditioning are very few, and most are not very well; Because there are many critical problems not well solved. And commercial use of air conditioning, there are a lot of outdoor air can be introduced.

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