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Aluminum Ground Wires connected to switches?

all of the switches in my house have a aluminum pig tale wires connected from the copper ground wire to their grounding terminals. would this type of wire work properly for grounding? i think the wires are 14 gauge wires. would the aluminum wire be safe or would it get too hot and melt if a electrical problem was to happen with the switch?


Are you sure it's not the other way around, and if not, are you sure you really have copper wire in the house?
Aluminium is a good conductor. The oxidation actually strengthens it from further corrosion. There's a growing movement of engineers who want aluminium to replace copper on cost grounds...
One can use copper or aluminum wiring,but not together.
Aluminum wire requires anti-oxide paste to make reliable low resistance connections. If that was applied there's no problem with it's use for grounds.
Aluminum is not acceptable for electrical wiring. Aluminum oxidizes and the oxide is an insulator. If the wire carries current it can get hot enough to ignite the aluminum. You should get aluminum wires replaced with copper as soon as you notice them. They are ok as long as they are ok, but as soon as you notice them it's time to replace them.

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