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Anti-static Material.?

I just received approval for an RMA on my computer’s motherboard (faulty) and they requested that I package it in an antistatic material, which I have previously thrown awayIs there is another alternative to antistatic material which is cheaper and easier to get? If not, does anyone know the most reliable and quickest store in the UK, selling antistatic material??


1yam - the starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea, cultivated for food in warm regions'Yams are a staple in the diet of many African people.' 2yarrow - a composite plant, Achillea millefolium, of Eurasia, having fernlike leaves and flat-topped clusters of whitish flowers, naturalized in North America'The use of yarrow in folk medicine is based on its apparent anti-inflammatory and coagulatory properties.' 3yawl - a two-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel having a large mainmast and a smaller jiggermast or mizzenmast stepped abaft the sternpost British Dialect: yowl; howl'In the United States yawls are in wide use as yachts'
The first Answered misread yarn as yam, so here is the correct definition of Yarn: A twisted strand of fiber used for knitting or weaving; Bundles of fibers twisted together, and which in turn are twisted in bundles to form strands, which in their turn are twisted or plaited to form rope; or a story, a tale, especially one that is incredible; To tell a story Sentence: My grandmother asked me to buy red yarn for her to knit with or The old sailor told many yarns of his days at sea, although I'm not sure I believe them all
1yam - the starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea, cultivated for food in warm regions'Yams are a staple in the diet of many African people.' 2yarrow - a composite plant, Achillea millefolium, of Eurasia, having fernlike leaves and flat-topped clusters of whitish flowers, naturalized in North America'The use of yarrow in folk medicine is based on its apparent anti-inflammatory and coagulatory properties.' 3yawl - a two-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel having a large mainmast and a smaller jiggermast or mizzenmast stepped abaft the sternpost British Dialect: yowl; howl'In the United States yawls are in wide use as yachts'
Definitions:Yawl: a ship's small boat usually with a crew of four to six Yarrow: a widely naturalized strong-scented European herb with yellow flowers Yarn: 1.)a story; 2.) a continuous often plied strand of man-made fibers used in knitting and weaving to form cloth He bought several skeins of YARNThe YARROW gave the soup an unusual tasteThe YAWL crashed into the ferryThere was my grandfather telling one of his infamous YARNS.
Go to any computer shopThey will have them lying aroundJust don't use the suggestion of aluminum foil.
Definitions:Yawl: a ship's small boat usually with a crew of four to six Yarrow: a widely naturalized strong-scented European herb with yellow flowers Yarn: 1.)a story; 2.) a continuous often plied strand of man-made fibers used in knitting and weaving to form cloth He bought several skeins of YARNThe YARROW gave the soup an unusual tasteThe YAWL crashed into the ferryThere was my grandfather telling one of his infamous YARNS.
Go to any computer shopThey will have them lying aroundJust don't use the suggestion of aluminum foil.
The first Answered misread yarn as yam, so here is the correct definition of Yarn: A twisted strand of fiber used for knitting or weaving; Bundles of fibers twisted together, and which in turn are twisted in bundles to form strands, which in their turn are twisted or plaited to form rope; or a story, a tale, especially one that is incredible; To tell a story Sentence: My grandmother asked me to buy red yarn for her to knit with or The old sailor told many yarns of his days at sea, although I'm not sure I believe them all

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