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Any thoughts on which Fleshlight I should buy?

I've decided I'm finally going to just buy one. I've held off for a while because $60 seems like a lot of money to spend on masturbating, but after hearing friends rave about them for so long, then looking online, I think it may be worth the price.For $60 though, I want to get the right one. My penis is 7 inches long, 4.75 inches in girth, and I'm cut. I don't have any problem cumming too fast during sex, so I don't think I need the Stamina Training Unit. But when it comes to the others (Wonder Wave, Speed Bump, Super Tightetc ) I don't really have a clue which one would feel the best considering the size of my penis.Serious answers would be appreciated, as I have already heard, and get the jokes about Fleshlight sounding like flashlight, and needing a girlfriend etc. Also, I'm definitely going to buy one, so I'm not really looking for responses about why I shouldn't get a Fleshlight at all.Thanks


some guys like to try to pulp the other person's hand when they shake; it's some sort of juvenile tough-guy thing. Others are just naturally strong, and don't realize what a grip they have. Tell him, the next time you shake hands, to ease up. If after that he continues hurting your hand, refuse to shake from that point on.
No but I remember my first trip to Winnipeg, it was 50F below zero with the wind chill I learned a lot about survival in the cold that week. Customs didn't even want to allow me in to workand I askedwho on earth wants to be in this cold anyway??
Yes. You may have seen thermal radiation when the people are green at night on Survivor. You could call a camera a visible light radiation detector that uses different colors to show different wavelengths of radiation ; - )

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