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anyone have some potworms?

I understand potworms occur often in composting bedsWe would like to acquire some to experment with


Yes to your question! A few more things that might tarnish silver jewelry faster are as follows; Working in a hair salon because of the many different chemicals Spraying perfume on jewelry Wearing scented lotions Using a lot of hair products - especially if hair is long and rubs against the silver All lotions, perfumes, sprays, etc are absorbed into skin and greatly increase tarnishing The environments many different chemicals and minerals will make silver tarnish The chemistry of a person will affect silverIf someone has an acidy diet, like tomatoes, it can affect the metals they wear Cigarette smoke
It will be fineI have a sterling silver ring that I wear everywhere and I've had it for 3/4 years now and have had not prob with tarnishing at all
it will be fine to wear the bracelet in the shower, although it might make the bracelet look dirty and you'll have to clean it occasionallyBut as far as tarnishing goes, it will be fine.
Sterling Silver Shower
you won't kill my worms

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