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Anyone out there using a stirling engine in industry?

Anyone out there using a stirling engine in industry?


call the office one final time and tell them you will be notifying the fire department. do not hire anyone
Start with calling the police.
Tell your stupid tenant that it is HER responsibility to change that battery. YOU, as a landlord, are required to provide the device. Dead batteries are HER issue. And yes, the laws of most states will support your stance.
I wear riding glasses and a pudding bowl if I am going to be out on a highway and boots or sturdy shoes. I don't go crazy with all the safety stuff because when I ride I am always watching for the other drivers and if i see a moron headed my way I just get out of their way. I don't assume that they know I am there or even know how to control their vehicle and don't chance it. I prefer to ride at night too because there are a lot less people out on the roads and it is easier to see someone coming behind you because there headlights give them away. Also I live in a small country town where there are not a lot of drivers on the roads after dark. Hope I have been helpful.

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