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Are conservatives ruled by Satan? because they want to bulldoze everything God has made?

Are conservatives ruled by Satan? because they want to bulldoze everything God has made?


Nice Icon, you must share the iq of Spicoli because last time i checked, it was liberal groups, individuals and organizations whom wanted to; Remove crosses from the cemetaries Crying about nativity scene's on public lands Lead the removal of the 10 commandments from courthouses trying to take &In God we Trust& off our money. Attack or violate the Constitution (except when it suits them) And i've yet to see a liberal agree that we should be paying $9 a gallon of gas like the UK. Its as if these fools haven't even looked at how much oil we burn a day in this country. No solar or wind or any other alternative fuel has come close to replacing it........not even close. Get real or STFU Liberals are in bed with Satan
1) there is no &Satan&, God, Allah, Odin, Shiva, etc etc etc..... and to the user speaking about the ten commandments in the courthouse.....why not place it in front of a church? Your religion's laws are NOT the court's. 2) I'm all for protecting the environment, but both there are plenty of both liberals and conservatives are full of it. yes, a lot of cons are war mongering theocratic Fox News zombies......BUT many liberals racebait like it's going out of style, think overly restrictive gun control is a good thing, and have double standards on many things.
If Conservatives ruled by Satan as you think - and that's not right ofcourse- , this will be fine compared to Liberals who rule the Satan !!
Hey Spicoli Bulldozers are driven by UNION workers and UNION workers are democrats FAIL!!!!!!
Satan does not have rule Liberals are good proxies for it if you doze the bulls are going to hit you. you can not live with horse carriages for ever.

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