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Ask your family about how to make yogurt (not yogurt machines), thank you

Like to eat yogurt, want to learn to do (do not yogurt machine), ask you master specific methods of production, thank you!


3 in the warm milk, add the yogurt with a spoon, stir, cover. 4 power electric cooker, pot of hot water drained, cover the cups into the rice cooker, rice cooker lid, with a clean towel or other insulation materials covered, use of waste heat for fermentation pot. 5.8 to 10 hours later, the low sugar yogurt is ready. If it's done in the evening, you'll get the delicious yogurt on the second morning.
Ingredients: pure milk.......................................... 500ml original yogurt....................................... 125ml tools: electric cooker with cover, porcelain, spoon, microwave oven (can also use other methods of heating milk, but in the microwave oven and the heating temperature is not only fast, good master) practices: 1 cups (with lid), spoon water in the rice cooker to boil 10 minutes disinfection. 2 cups milk (7 points out into full, if it is milk, sterilized itself well, can not boil disinfection), the milk into the microwave heating, to touch the wall of the cup is not hot for the degree.
The nutritional value of yogurt is far more than that of fresh cow (goat) milk. It contains a variety of lactic acid, lactose, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and so on. Have a stomach who drank it, can promote the secretion of gastric acid, not only do not eat after flatulence, diarrhea, but ventilation digestion. Our women often drink sour milk, and their skin is tender and white. When I arrived in Beijing, I used to make yogurt, just the way it was

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