
Bad CV's or Bad Front Bearings?

My 2000 4x4 Lifted Ford Excursion has a clicking noise when I am driving, on the front driver side. I can take my foot off the gas an it is still there no matter the speed. I am thinking it is a bad Hub/Bearing? How would I know for SURE that is what it is? Any tips on what to look for if I jack it up? Thanks.


jack it up, grab the top and bottom of the tire and try to shift the tire around. If you can feel the tire give a little bit each time you push/pull on it, it's a bad bearing.
It doesn't sound like wheel hubs. When the hubs are bad, it usually makes a grinding noise, rather than a clicking noise.
Bad cv boot if you hear clicking .The cv joint is round and rotates around a smooth surface.clicking is the cv 100% sure small pieces will start and has started to break off not safe to drive get fixed asap.When hum bearing going out you will hear like a rubbing noise not me if you need more.
CV joints usually make noise only on hard turns under acceleration. It's more of a low knock knock knock noise. Wheel bearings make more of a grinding sound, similar to the noise made by a brake rotor being ground away by the metal part of a brake pad after the pad material is gone. The wheel bearing noise gets louder as you go faster. Clicking noise can be caused by anything stuck in a tire (stone, nail,etc.) and I've seen brakes make a clicking noise when the pads are loose in the caliper mounts. If you jack the car up, you can try shaking the tire in and out holding it on the top and bottom, or from left to right which will tell you if you have worn suspension parts or a bad wheel bearing. Noises are at times hard to pinpoint. Make sure you check your lug nuts, they can loosen up if not torqued properly. Have a mechanic take the vehicle for a ride, test drives are usually free.
Jack up the vehicle and check the bearing for play from top to bottom....

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