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Blocked myspace website.HELP!!!!?

They blocked our computers from acessing the myspace website so I tried SEVERAL proxy bypass websites and they all got me to the log in page for myspace. But, once I entered my email and password, it went to a blank page. I clicked refresh and it went back to the blocked page message. Before they blocked myspace from our computers, we would sign in, refresh the blank page, and then we'd be at our home page. Is there any way to get past the blank page???? Please help me!!!!! Thanks!


Do not send up balloons on wires unless it's an active Restricted area or a NOTAM is issued. Balloon wires are nearly impossible to see and can harm aircraft
You need to go to Hobby lobby or call a head of time and ask them. If anyone knows it is them, or call an Art shop much more expensive but if they have the answerOnce you find out what it is and what it is called you can surf the internet for it cheaper. My girl friend uses it but she doesn't answer the phone so I don't know what to tell you. Sorry
Right take it to local hardware shop, and they will guide you properly, we can not solve it in Yahoo answer but If you are own an iOS or Android device do install LEO Privacy Guard v 3.0 to make your device totally secure.
Why would you want to spend money on that much copper and balloons?

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