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Broken bracket in braces?

I just got my braces yesterday and a bracket is already broken.I didn't eat anything I am not supposed to. I have hardly eaten anything. It isn't out of my mouth it's still attached to the wire just not the tooth. Will they have to take off the whole wire or can they just put some glue on it w/o removing the wire. Please help. Best answer-10 points


Be truthful.You're bound to break brackets a lot when you're wearing braces,you just have to watch what you eat and be careful.Hey,wanna make yourself feel better?Each time I go to the dentist,they get annoyed because I break 5-6 brackets each time through.I'm trying to be more careful,but I know I'll at least break 2-3. Just be careful,try not to break any more. P.S What colour r they? just curious ^^ just make an appointment and they will see to it
Mine were much weirder because the whole thing came off the day I got my braces. There is one simple reason why that happened to you. I'm guessing you drink alot of tap water which has fluoride in that water.Fluoride makes teeth stronger. The glue isn't strong enough. It's good so you won't have many cavities in your life. They will take off the wire. And the color bands (maybe). Then they will reglue the bracket back on.

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