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Can copper rings really take toxins out of your body?

i have copper rings that turn my finger green i asked people and said that those are my toxins


No. Copper rings do not remove toxins from the body. Waste products are removed from the body by the liver, the kidneys and to some extent, by sweating.
No: The green pigment staining your finger is the natural copper leaching onto your skin. This, however can irritate skin and so if you feel itching or burning on the skin around your rings, immediately take it off and wash the finger, or rub with antiseptic cream.
I had a similar question im wanting to remov mine also. I have an ovarian cyst. Not cool and on to of that it interferes with the sex. I suggest that you get it removed and by a doctor who actually is familiar with them
No, the green is not the result of toxins in your body coming out. Copper naturally turns green when it oxidizes. That's a fancy word for rust. Metals react with oxygen to for an oxide. If the metal is iron, then the rust is red. If it's copper, the rust is green. Your copper rings leave a green stain on your fingers because they are reacting to the water you sweat. There isn't any way to leach toxins out of the body. The body naturally eliminates some things through urine, sweat and stool. The true toxins- things like heavy metals - lead, etc, can only be removed from the body through a process called chelation. That requires some pretty heavy duty chemicals that have to be given by intravenous infusion, in the hospital, while you are monitored constantly by doctors who are experts at the process. Nothing you wear, eat or drink will do the trick. What you have is a case of copper rust staining on your skin- nothing else.

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