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can i get my ipod music to play for an alarm?

I know IPOD's have an alarm app in them, but you can only choose certain sound effects. Is there any way you can play your OWN music for an alarm? an app or something?? please help! thanks!


It'll set off your heart and lungs alarm if you smoke period
I hate dreads. They look to me as though they'd itch from not being washed. I've never smelled anyone's hair who has dreads but since you've mentioned it I can see that they would smell. After all, just how often can they be washed? If you watched American Idol a couple of years ago Jason had them and I didn't see anything at all attractive about them. Whoopee's hair is hideous. But that's just my opinion. There are so many attractive hairstyles; go for a great cut. If you get HGTV check out Myles for Style - she has curls and a darling cut. I have a friend who wore her hair in cornrows and her hairline receded a lot because her hair was pulled back so tight. I don't know if that could happen with dreadlocks but it's something to consider.
First of all you shouldent be smoking, it will fry your lungs. Do you want to die young? But if your not going to listen to me, then crack the window open, or detatch your alarm well your ruining your body. hope you enjoy!
On the pool discharge line from the filter back to the pool install a PVC tee with a tap connect a good length of black irrigation tubing sit the coil of hose on the roof of the pump shed or if you don't have one, arrange the piping to travel along a wall in a zig zag fashion, so the open end returns water back to the pool. On the pool line return pipe I also installed a tap which was used souly for the purpose of restricting the flow of filtered water back to the pool sending more water through the solar heating pipes. This has to be adjusted in a way as not to force too much water through the solar heating hose causing undue pressure onto the pool pump! I did this as an experiment to a clients pool once it raised the pool temperature around 6 - 10 deg over a 3 day period the costs were minimal. As he became a little more financial, WE installed a small pump to suck the water from the pool pump delivery line up onto the roof that became much more effective. The secret is not to force too much water through the solar heating pipe, but just let it trickle giving the water inside the pipe time to heat up from the sun. Forcing vast amounts of water through hoses like this solves nothing is just a waste of money! Incidentally did this 10 years ago it's still in operation working fine!! Cheers!

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