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Can I make homemade Hamster Bedding?

I can't afford store bought bedding so I was wondering if there was someway I could make a safe, cheap, bedding for my hamster. Thanks!


Maybe you can, but don't sweat there are many kinds of cheap bedding you can buy, I use recycled paper that you buy at the stores for a cheap price and the hamsters love it! It's called Eco Bedding and you can buy it for $4.99 (for 10 litter bag that expands up to 30 litters)at most stores!
Mmm Not really. Bedding isn't that expensive. The only way I guess you could make one that would need lots more changing is if you use true paper shredding bedding, but that would cause way tooo much need of changing and smeel horrible. The best thing to do would to be to actually go ahead and save up or burrow mone yand buy some carefresh. Hope I helped Sloan Keychain Sorry for any typing mistakes
i agree with ann ... it does cost more to make bedding and never use sharp paper can cut the little hamster's hands
I use shredded toilet paper (it's safe) but don't use the scented variety. NEVER USE: -Newspaper (the ink on them could be toxic) -Cotton (if they digest it, they could die -- the cotton will stick to their systems and not digest) -***Animal Bedding Fluff (I've seen these in pet store and they should not sell them. They are a health hazard, just like the cotton) Toilet paper is totally safe because it melts unlike cotton. They recommend it in lots of hamster care sites.
For my 2 roborovski hamsters I use cotton wool bought from cosmetic stores because it's alot cheaper and you get more for your money. You could also rip up toilet paper or dish cloths and socks. EDIT: Sorry I thought you meant bedding for your hamsters to sleep in. Any type of paper would do. Just shread it up into strips and put it in. For my mouse I used to use newspaper and spend a while cutting up to fill a plastic bag so I would use the other half for the next clean up.

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