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Can olive nets be used in combination with pruning tools and equipment?


Yes, olive nets can be used in combination with pruning tools and equipment. Olive nets are typically used for harvesting olives, but they can also be helpful during the pruning process. By placing the net under the tree, it can catch any branches or leaves that are pruned off, making clean-up easier. Additionally, using olive nets can help protect the ground from falling debris and prevent any potential damage to the surrounding area or other plants.
Yes, olive nets can be used in combination with pruning tools and equipment. Olive nets are typically used to catch the olives as they are being pruned from the tree, ensuring that they don't fall to the ground and get damaged. The nets can be spread out under the tree while using pruning tools and equipment to collect the olives more efficiently.
Yes, olive nets can be used in combination with pruning tools and equipment. Olive nets are commonly used to catch the olives that are pruned or shaken off the tree during harvesting. Pruning tools and equipment, such as pruning shears or saws, are used to trim or remove branches, and the olive nets can be spread underneath the tree to collect the pruned olives. This ensures that the olives are not wasted and can be easily gathered for further processing.

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