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Can someone solve this riddle?

A forest has caught fire and has created a forest fire. The forest is completly burnt down while fire fighters were working on putting it down. In the middle of the forest, a body was found in a swim suit. He was not burn or anything, he was just there in the middle of the forest burnt. What happened to the body?


take the vac and vac the unit out or spray a can of air into the detector to remove the dust
Try to change the battery in all of the smoke detectors. If it still keeps beeping you'll need a new one. they are very simple to install.
it raises the bell tower so that it can be heard from farther away without bouncing off all the local buidings. they had to get higher over time to compete with other structures. there is also the visual cue for anyone who doesnt know where the church is when they arrive in a new town (small towns mainly)
basically you can do it one of two ways, you can mix the metal flake with the base coat, it doesn't matter what color the base coat is the flake is going to shine through as long as it's not the exact same color as the base coat. This will give you an odd flare of color in the sun and can look really cool but the down side is the paint will be a little lumpy but it can be taken care of with a few more coats of clear than normal and some color sanding. the better way to do it is mix it with the clear coat, this will make is easier when you go to color sand, the paint will be smooth.
Since you already changed the battery the other question would be are they all hard wired? Is it only one that beeps. It could be the unit itself or if hard wired the battery in another detector is sending a signal setting it off. NEC recommends that smoke detectors be checked at least once a week and new ones every 5 years or so. Don't take chances and replace it with the same brand and model number as mixing units will set them all off because they read each other. I don't recommend trying to clean it, just replace it.

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