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Can speed bump hairstyles, be small?; the actual speed bump itself?

Can speed bump hairstyles, be small?; the actual speed bump itself?


Don't even bother doing it, you'll get caught in a heartbeat.
have a change of clothes in your backpack so you can change if someone sees you. also use a coat hanger so no fingerprints are on it. look for security cameras. and have an alibi
Don't pull it at all. Most fire alarms have ink in the snapper when you pull it it will squirt on your hand or clothes, they'll catch you.
pay some kid like 5 bucks to pull it for you
I work for the ohio department of natural resources, fact is you can use the hazardous chemicals, or a dog. WE at the state have a special dog just for this reason for the parks with water, we dont use the chemicals, there to bad for everyone and everything. if you cant barrow a dog, and you dont want to get one, and you dont want to kill them, your just gonna have to deal with all the crap in your yard. even if you could barrow a friends dog for a week and tie it up were they are, they should stop coming back till the next year.so i say, get a friend see if they have a dog and barrow it, or have them bring it over once a day to run them off try to find a lab or golden retriever that will go into the water for them, or theyll hang out in the water until the dog leaves.

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