Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Hoists > Can you make 2 sentences each with these words?

Can you make 2 sentences each with these words?

The words are the following:Undulating: Moving in wavesGiddy: DizzyUnconscious: Not awakeIdly: Without aim or purposeDelirious: Temporarily confused and seeing imaginary thingsObsession: Persistent idea or desire that consumes a person's attentionHoisted: Lifted or pulled upBeckoned: Gestured or signaled to request someone to approachThese are the words and the meaning of it is written beside it.Thanks..


Good one, Roger !
The undulations of the camel as he sat on it made him giddy. He sat idly on the camel until he fell off it and became unconscious. When he recovered, he was delirious at first, but his obsession with finishing the ride encouraged him to get hoisted back onto the camel by some passers-by whom he beckoned to help him.

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