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ceramic braces on top teeth and regular braces on bottom teeth?

I am going to get braces next week (and pulling out two teeth before thatouch) I am probably going to get ceramic braces on the top and regular on the bottom. My friend said it would look weird to have regular braces on the bottom teeth gt;.lt; and now I‘m having some doubts about getting my choice for the bracesSo, do you guys think it would look weird? Even better would be to have a person who had/has ceramic on top and metal on bottom, tell me how it looked/looks, and their experiences with the braces!^.^ Thanks!


Yes. Ceramic braces on the bottom risks chipping the upper teeth.
Clear Braces Bottom Teeth
i have ceramic on the top and reg on the bottom: it doesn;t look wierd! they are totally awesome too! just be sure to get clear ties on the ceramic, and BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER EVERY MEAL TO PREVENT STAINING!! Mouthwash is also very good at getting stains out: the clear ligatures (elastics) stain, not your ceramic braces. some great colours are pale blue, periwinkle, purple. aqua, and pink. i currently have black. just don't get the colours on the ceramic braces: it looks wierd. overall, the ceramics are a whole lot comfier than the metal: no cuts, ulcers, or irritations or any kind! good luck!

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