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Chain saw safety? chainsaw operators answers only please.?

Chainsaws are inherantly dangerous tools. What advise would you give anyone who is just starting to learn th use them?


I really don't think this is a good planEsp. on your mom's new Range RoverHowever The secret will be weight distribution. The tips of high heels, even on a light weight person, can deliver an extremely high amount of force in a very small location. This will definitely result in denting the hood if the load is not spread out. Probably the best suggestion I've read was the plexi-glass or lexan sheeting held in place with suction cups. But then you have the small area of the suction cups to worry about, plexi flexes and paint scratches tooAnd then there's the fact that the hood was never designed for holding any type of load. I would find a way to support the hood from underneath first. If you don't do this you could very easily collapse the hood and then mom would have your NECK!!! Then use the plexi/lexan (available at Home Depot) on top of a rubber sheeting/mat of some type. The rubber will prevent scratching (paint is VERY easy to damage) and prevent slippage. Also pay attention to the soles of her shoes on the plexi/lexan. You might want to add a small piece of rubber to the shoes to prevent them from slipping off the plexi, and her landing on the ground Once you've got everything prepped, a little 'camera magic' can conceal what's been done to protect the Range Rover.
I watched a photo shoot once where they put a girl with heels on a Camaro. They took what looked like a piece of plexiglass with suction cups on the hood of the car and her stand on that.
Honey, this is a disaster in the making. Felt pads might prevent scratches but the woman is going to break her neck. Plus, the whole idea sounds pretty hackneyed. There has to be something more creative you could do. Good luck!
you need to worry about the heel denting the car as well. The best thing you can do is put a thick blanket artistically on the part of the hood she will be standing on and have her put all the pressure on the ball fo her foot instead of the heel. Good Luck-a better way is to maybe have her lay on the hood on her belly with her knees bent and her shoes danglilng from her toes.
and when he saved the kids. He always watched over them.

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