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Could you harness the energy of lightning if you can do this?

If you had a lightning rod that was six meteres thick at the top and it tapered down to thousands of powerlines at the other end ,thousands of kilometers away,could you harness and use the power of energy.The first section that is six meteres thick runs for 300 kilometers where in then tapers down to five metres thick.After another 700 kilometers the five feet thickness tapers down to four metres thick.After another 1000 kilometers the four feet thickness tapers down to three metres.After another 500 kilometers the three meteres tapers down to 100 ,one metre thickness.After another 500 kilometres the 100,one metre thickness tapers down to one foot thickness.This process continues until it finaly reaches 10,000 normal power lines.Would metal this thick hold enough electricty and conduct it long enough to use at the other end.Thousands of kilometres away.Would most of the energy be lost on the way.If 50,000,000 volts hit the rod at the start.How much energy would be left at the end.


Work safety is relaxed everywhere Welcome to the grown up world. In most places the boss won't give a F**** whether you wear safety equipment as long as the job gets done. Employees at my last job would keep asking the supervisor for latex gloves, LOL and he would answer, ok, I'll order some. We don't expect the government to hold our hands, like you Brits.
you can use teflon tape or 5 rector seal around the threads. (5 works better and will make it easier to thread as it will lube the threads also). Be carefull using a metal wrench as you can crush the fittings. Plastic pipe fittings don't require alot of tighting. Best way to tighten, is to tighten the fitting, snug. then back off a little bit and snug it up some more.

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