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Crane fly and Mosquito Hawk?

I have got a ton of Mosquito Hawks in my house. Should I just let them be or will the problem get worse? Plus I read they dont bite humans but will the bite rabbits? I have 2 house rabbits that I am concerned about.


Mosquito Hawk
So called mosquito eaters, mosquito hawks, or skeeter eaters. Unlike mosquitoes, crane flies are weak and poor fliers, so they can be caught easily and without much effort. Despite their common names, crane flies do not prey on mosquitoes, nor do they bite humans. Adult crane flies feed on nectar and consume roots such as turf grass as in backyard lawns.(So they won't be preying on your rabbits) Their life cycle is very brief, so you shouldn't have to worry about them multiplying. They are also weak and poor fliers, so they can be caught easily.

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