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Do alarm system stickers deter or attract burglars??

If I have alarm signs/stickers outside my apt. will that make burglars want to break in thinking I have something they want or will it really deter them from trying???


Yes, you should definitely have detectors. These are illegal in some states to install but not to buy. You should also be concerned about fresh air supply for ventilation and the possibility of too much moisture due to running unvented gas appliances. Burning gas produces a large amount of water vapor that if unvented ends up in the space. Adequate ventilation would negate this. Carbon monoxide detectors would be a must. Headaches or fatigue can be the first sign of carbon monoxide poisoning. Concentrations can be different in other areas in the house.
LoL they must think we are stupid. I bet someone tried it and got burned then tried to sue the manufacturer of the iron.
In the UK the size, shape, positioning etc. are defined in the Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999 (see link). I'm sure research has been carried out on them but you would probably have to go to specialised scientific journals for that. One thing I've noticed about speed bumps is that up to a certain size they work to slow you down, but some of them are so big that you have to slow down to a crawl to cross them, and then you just speed up again on the other side, so they are really useless. In fact, probably less than useless because they make drivers irritable which makes their driving worse. You should put that in your report!

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