Home > categories > Security & Protection > Fire Alarm > Does anyone know where I can find MSDS info on 10% (w/v) KOH in ethanol?

Does anyone know where I can find MSDS info on 10% (w/v) KOH in ethanol?

Does anyone know where I can find MSDS info on 10% (w/v) KOH in ethanol?


Fears are always representational of other insecurities or underlining problems. The subconscious mind just attaches some relation to fire alarms and the real issue. Like it could be the people running and panicking, or maybe because fire alarms always seem to be sudden and surprising, maybe their was a past experience with fire or a fire alarm. But the only real way to get over your fears is to confront them face to face. Yes it will be scary and you will surely be out of your comfort zone, but sometimes we need to do what we don't want to in order to get what we want (a sense of safety).
Admittedly archeology has proved discrepancies in history and some of the biblical stories and depictions, and the chances that 6 billion people started from Adam and Eve are pretty unlikely but at the end of the day the Bible is a book using stories as way of explaining Christian morality. There's not much for science to prove. It's like Grimms fairytale books only focusing on Christian values. You don't see science trying to prove the story of Little Red Riding Hood but we all know the message it's trying to say (don't talk to strangers) and to this day we still tell our kids to practice it. Well that's what the Bible is like, it's stories telling people what is the right and safest way to live. It's not the science of God book. As for whether the Biblical way is the right way to live, there is no way to discredit or prove it as the rewards are to be gained after death. In a sense there is no science in the Bible, it's a book dictating a certain lifestyle, so there is no reason for people to not remain Christian. Lifestyle is moral choice not a scientific choice. It's based on what makes you happy and there's no science for happiness.

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