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Does the espresso machine have to be washed every day?

Does the espresso machine have to be washed every day?


Once a week to wash, you can use pills to wash coffee handle, and other things can be soaked with syrup, our units have their coffee washing machine staff to train, I do bar 8 years, I hope I can help you
Not every day to wash the coffee machine maintenance is mainly descaling and removing oil according to the amount of coffee you do the cleaning and use water as 40 cups a day following 2--3 months for a cleaning with cleaning solution can work in the green umbrella oil depends on the coffee mill (to use a professional agent)
You are the business of it, every day must be cleaned, because the brewed coffee residue and oil head and waste water after use, and the steam wand milk scale, you can use the rate of use of cleaning agents, cleaning is recommended medication a week 1-2 times, usually used in cleaning blind net cleaning grouphead, you can. The waste plate steam rod can be cleaned with detergent.
I think it's better to clean up and clean up every time. Because the cup every day to wash, not to mention the machine, the remaining debris does not wash, easily moldy deterioration.

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