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Ectomorph feeling weak with bench press!?

I am a 20 y/o male ectomorph body type 130 lbs 5'7. I have been working out for about 2 years but probably only started getting serious with compound exercises with high weight, low reps, for about 2 months.I have already seen alot of improvements by doing more compound exercises vs isolated ones. I do squats, deadlifts, clean and press, dips, chin ups, etc, but when it comes to the bench press.... I just feel flat out weak. I am doing 5x5 for my sets/reps. I can only put a 45 on the bar and barely get it up 5 full reps. It's been like this for awhile. I feel strong everywhere else but for some reason, my bench is weak and my chest shows it.Any recommendations?


Ectomorph Bench Press
You're bulking so make sure you get your calories from the right sources and lift hard. I would do more than just bench presses, do dumbbell flyes, incline/decline dumbbell press, and then work your way up to the bench. Make sure you are doing a split, meaning don't exercise more than 1 muscle once a week. My split is Mon- Legs Tues-Back and Shoulders Wed-OFF Thur-Chest Fri-Arms Sat-Light cardio I do sets of 12,10, and 8 with weights increasing by 5 pounds every set. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

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