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Electric Tape vs. Electric Wire?

What are the advantages of electric tape over electric wire for a horse?Thank you!!


Electric tape can be seen easier, it wont corrode like steel wire (aluminum wont either). It is more expensive for good tape. The tape comes in different colors and sizes, with steel wire or copper wire. The better tapes have more wires in them. Tape can be tied and untied. It has a better tensile strength than wire. Disadvantage to tape is you cannot use it on any charger you have to plug into electricity (weed burner chargers). It will melt the tape. So wire does allow more voltage.
electric tape is easier for the horse to see especially if you use a thick one so its safer but after time its hard to see breaks in the little wires that run through it so electric may not pass through as good or even short out. so wire is better in this respect if it breaks you can see it! i use tape for bottom and top, with wire running with the top tape to make sure the electric is getting round the field.
tape is great because it is easier for both animals and people to see
Tape is easier to see. Tape is easier to handle, put up and take down. Tape is easier to repair. Tape does not rust. Yup, tape is better.
I would suggest you keep both electric tape and electric wire away from horses. Electric wire is made of a conductor, usually metal, usually copper or aluminum and covered with a conductor usually plastic such as PVC. It is made to carry electricity to the point of use. Electric tape is a type of insulating tape used by electricians to tape electrical connections. It is usually made of plastic, usually PVC. If you meant house instead of horse, then you would want electrical wire for carrying electricity, properly taped with electrical tape where needed. I have never heard of a conducting tape being used instead of wire for a house. The shape of a tape, with its flat cross section makes it less efficient for carrying electricity and requires much more insulation per conduction capacity.

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