Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Excavators > EMERGENCY FIDDLER CRAB HELP NEEDED!?


Okay so I just got 3 fiddler crabs, 1 male and 2 females.I just bought a 10 gallon tank to keep them in, and I put sand in the tank on the land side and gravel on the water side, I started pouring water in and now the water is brown because of the sand.It's ZooMed Excavator clay burrowing substrate.I have 2 filters running in it right now to try and clear out the murkiness, but I want to know if it's okay to put the crabs in now, or if I should wait until the water is completely clear?I have a small pool with clear water in it that they can use but I am afraid of putting them in the tank because I don't know if they can swim in murky water.HELP PLEASE!


I'm sure they'll be fine, but wait until it clears up just to be safe.
sure, they desire a dry section. they must be waiting to respire air, or they're going to die a sluggish and painful dying. The water must be purely deep adequate, that it covers them each and each of ways. they might't be with fish because of the fact they might consume them (the crabs might consume the fish). you will get them at puppy shops focusing on fish, or off the internet. good luck!
Murky water isn't going to hurt them. You know what is making it dirty. Not like its disgusting water. I don't see why it would be a problem.
I have sand in my tank too and when I first put it in if got all murky and gross too. Let it sit for a bit then it should clear up. It won't hurt your crabs, don't worry!
Firstly, Crabs have poor vision, and even if they cant see for a few hours while the tank clears, they will be fine. you might want to turn the lights off so that they dont stress, and turn them on when the water is clear. other than that, i would assume they would be fine. if the pool u have has chlorine in it, then obviously dont put them in it, but if it has decholrinated water that is safe for the crabs, then it might be a temporary setup. hope that helped

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