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Emotional trash can mean...

Emotional trash can mean...


Dealing with the storage of things, but the reality does not exist
That is, what other people have to vent your feelings, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, you also receive anything!
Emotional trash: refers to the bad feelings you can pass the language, behavior, violence and other catharsis of a person or thing, in order to alleviate the negative emotions caused by pressure.The first is specific, short-term emotions, such as happiness, anger, fear and disgust. The second is a longer duration of mood, but usually no reason. For example, early in the morning on the emotional depression, which is a spontaneous emotional adjustment. The third is the personality temperament, it represents a person's attitude towards life, both congenital factors also have acquired experience and the shaping of the environment.The most commonly used as emotional trash, is a close family or friends.Emotional trash from the psychological point of view, everyone needs emotional vent. People have to face the outside will camouflage, but at home, would not have scruples, when to temper the temper, this is actually a kind of "emotion", so that home is the best harbour ", in addition to a place to live, but also in the psychological harbor. This time, family members will become the person you vent.

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