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Firefighting with long hair?

Howdy. I'm working on becoming a firefighter and I'm wondering what the position is on long hair. I'm a guy and want to grow long hair (a short ponytail, preferably) to highlight my Native American heritage. However, I would assume that long hair would present a problem with firefighting in trying to get all the hair under the helmet and trying to get a proper seal on the airmask and safety clothing, etc.However, I know that there are some women firefighters with long hair and they just tie it up as short and tightly as possible. What are your thoughts? Do you think I can try to grow long hair as a firefighter (and if so how could I get it under my bunker gear) or should I just try short hair?


Mexican Spanish regulations regulacíones, reglamento concentrate (noun) concentrado; (verb) concentrarse, concéntrate machines máquinas electricity electricidad inform infórme, informár fire extinguisher extinguidor
So is it answer you're looking for or just someone to agree with you. I seriously doubt that YA has the answer to our worlds fossil fuel shortage. So honestly, what are you wanting to hear?
Who are you to say she needs a new companion? Has she said she wants a new dog right now? Thankfully no good breeder is going to sell a pup to be gifted to another person. I get that you mean well but if this woman has always had puli's I am very sure she has the ability to find a new dog IF and WHEN she is ready for a new one. Back off and let the woman grieve.

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