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GPS locator useful in the basement?

GPS locator useful in the basement?


It should be said that satellite positioning is the network with GPS, GPS satellite positioning with the network software on the map positioningIf the following possibilities can be eliminated.There are several possible:First: GPS interference, tall buildings and hidden indoor, basement will block the satellite, satellite information lost.Second: the mobile communication network is not stable, after the GPS positioning software can not update the map, so the loss of information.
Ordinary GPS locator in the basement must rest dishes, because the root can not receive GPS signal, the GPS positioning can not speak. The sharp peak wise there is a new type of locator, not only to support the GPS, plus WiFi and inertial positioning, completely solve the indoor to receive the GPS signal lead to accurate positioning problem. WiFi positioning accuracy even more than GPS, but it is not to say that WiFi positioning can replace GPS, because the precise positioning of the WiFi must rely on GPS to complete, if interested in their own search for relevant documents to understand.
GPS locator is not used in the basement. This is because:GPS is based on the azimuth angle of the received satellite signal to determine the location, the basement can not receive the satellite signal, so the GPS locator can not locate in the basement!
There is no effect, because the tall buildings and hidden rooms, basements will block the satellite, satellite information lost.GPS locator is built-in GPS terminal module and a mobile communication module, GPS module for positioning data obtained at Internet on a server through the mobile communication module, which can realize the query terminal location on a computer or mobile phone.Principle: the spatial distribution of the GPS is composed of 24 GPS working satellites, these GPS working satellites together constitute the GPS satellite constellation, of which 21 are available for navigation of the satellite, the 3 for the active backup satellites. The 24 satellites are distributed around the earth in 6 orbits with an angle of 55 degrees. The cycle of the satellite is about 12. Each GPS working satellite sends out a signal for navigation and positioning. GPS users are using these signals to work.

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