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Hammy running in wheel?

my hammy does not run in his wheel how can i get him to?


Most states have laws about studded tires because they tear-up pavement. Most have a start date an end date when they must be removed, so better check where you live. They aren't that good on snow, just ice, so what will you be driving in ? Get a pair of real snow tires, should do fine.
You can't force a hammy to run. Maybe get him a hamster ball to run around the house.If he likes that he might get into the wheel
If your hammy doesn't run in his wheel anymore, you could put treats on the wheel. You could also try holding a treat above the wheel and put your hammy in the exercise wheel then it'll probably start to run because it's trying to get to the top of the wheel so it could get the treat. Hope this works!
I had a hamster that did that once. I think it was because the wheel was the wrong size for the little critter, see if the wheel is the right size maybe its too big or too small.

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