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hedgehog first day, wheel?

when you bring a hedgehog home, on the first day will they use thier wheel because mine is just pushing his wheel around


I am sure the Somali girlie men have a few surprises coming.
I feel that we should make life even harder than it already is in Somalia. Pull out of Iraq and put pressure on Somalia.
I'm assuming of course each pirate is wearing a Pirate' electronic transponder or at least a pirate hat and eye patch, so you wouldn't hit any actually innocent people.sure. But this is an idiotic question since that can't happen.
A young hedgehog who has never seen a wheel before will often be confused as to what it is. If he doesn't get started on his own in a few days, you can help him out! Once you have your hog out and playing for a little while until it's comfortable, set it inside the wheel and begin turning it slowly. After a little while, your hedgehog should get the idea. :)

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