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Help!!! To Kill a Mockingbird book Questions? 10 Pts points!!!?

These are some questions from chapters 6 to 9.They are due tomorrow and I dont have the book.If you dont know these questions, do you know any site that can help me.1What does Jem find when he tries to recover his pants?2List six things found by scout and jem in the hiding place?3Why does Mr. Radley tell cout and Jem the tree is dying?4Why does Jem cry about a tree with cement in its knothole?5List three proofs of Boo Radleys existence?6Why does a fire start in Miss Maudies house?7Who wraps a blanket around Scout the night of the fire?8Why is Atticus called a ****** lover?9What does uncle Jack learn about children?10Why does scout try to keep her fight with Francis a secret from Atticus?11What is Maycombs unusual disease?


Wood sealant wont set solid in depth like resin. Resin has a special hardener, which allows it to solidify all the way through. If you just need to toughen up a sculpture in another material, the sealant will work fine, but if you want to apply it in bulk you will need to go for the resin, as the time needed to build enough thin layers of the sealant would be excessive. It really depends on what finished effect is desired, the materials of your piece etc.
Yes, that is if Roger isnt already taken. Roger will get you 8-10 wins and a low 2.00 ERA, when Millwood returns he'll get you 10-12 losses and a mid 4.00 ERA. Easy decision- pick up Clemens.

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