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High altitude hanging basket in construction, sudden power failure, emergency measures

High altitude hanging basket in construction, sudden power failure, emergency measures


The faulty hoist must be overhauled before it can be put into use. At one end of the rope breaking safe lock, lock the safety rope, must be professional maintenance personnel for risk. In the risk process, we must pay special attention to action to light, smooth, avoid hot galvanized electric basket safety lock suffered a major impact accident. When the nacelle is repaired and disassembled, the power supply must be cut off first, and the warning signs of "maintenance forbidden" and "demolition and disable" are set up in the marked position, and special personnel are put in charge
Hot dip galvanized electric basket in the lifting process, if the suspension platform tilt angle will cause the safety lock, automatic lock rope, you should promptly turn the switch point, hoist moving one side of the platform, the platform is close to the level of the state, the safety lock open after normal operation recovery. When the work rope is suddenly stuck on the hoist, it must stop immediately. It is strictly prohibited to use repeated ascending and descending operations to forcibly eliminate danger. The operating personnel from the suspension platform under the premise of ensuring safety, and inform professional maintenance personnel to enter the suspension platform for risk.
Hot galvanized electric basket in the construction of sudden power failure emergency measures, must immediately switch off the electric control box power switch. Distinguish the cause of power failure, if necessary, operate special handle to slow the platform down to the ground. When the release button is released but cannot stop running up and down, the red emergency stop button on the electric box must be pressed immediately, or the power master switch will be switched off immediately, the power supply will be cut off, and the suspension platform will stop running urgently. After the professional maintenance personnel troubleshooting, and then homework.

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