
High fiber dog food?

I have a basset hound who has a constant case of what we call quot;fish butt.quot; It's an awful odor that comes from his butt and when we took him to the vet a year ago we found out he has problems releasing the fluid from his anal glands and they were infectedSo now we are constantly having to manually express the fluids out of his glands which is painful/uncomfortable for him and leaves the room smelling like there's a dead skunkOut vet told us a high fiber diet would be beneficialWhat should I give him? Do they make special high fiber dog food that is affordable and if so, what are they called? I have read to give him a spoonful of pumpkin, does that work? We weren't sure what to do so for a while we were giving him shredded wheat with his foodPlease let me know what to give him and if any of you have had experience with thisI asked the vet if they could remove the glands and they said they would only do that in critical cases.


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Firstly stop flat ironing everydayAlso getting Keratin Treatments and then flat ironing everyday you are seriously jacking up your hair and that will lead to the splits like you said and you are stripping moisture from your hairGet a good deep conditioner and keep your hair moisturizedTry using a leave in conditioner then a product designed for humidityAll in all there aren't many products out there that will combat humidityHumidity sucks .

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