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High-power LED the lamp that shield an eye more appropriate

High-power LED the lamp that shield an eye more appropriate


High-power LED the lamp that shield an eye more appropriate
1 year than energy-saving lamps use 80 KWH, take 40 yuan, really want to save money a lot. And national electricity resource gap is big, also do not encourage you to use white definite lamps. 6 w LED is very bright, but a little bit far distance of illuminance are not idle, half reading needs illuminance in 300-500 lx, far from textbooks some big power, small power from the textbook, with your eyes feel comfortable as well.
and to achieve the same intensity of illumination, white the most power-hungry, definite lamp is about three to five times the size of energy-saving lamps, LED the five to eight times. LED as its light Angle is not close to 360 degrees, under the same power, in the direction of the LED light, LED has the highest intensity of illumination, for example, if you use a 9-11 w lamp, LED lights do you completely can also use a 11-15 w energy-saving lamp as a desk lamp. Energy-saving lamps - LED 4 w power consumption calculation, turn on the light for five hours a day, continuous use of more than 50 days 1 KWH, a year only 7 degrees, 0.5 yuan per degree, only 3.5 yuan a year, but harm to your eyesight smaller, compared with 60-80 w white lamp code,

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