
History of Electric Irons?

Im doing an assignment on electric irons and i want to know the history of them. Thanks!


i would have the brakes checked any shop will check it for free the whole system i know we do but anyways hope i helped
Humans have used heated heavy pans and various other means to smooth fabric as far back as 1 BC in China. Over the centuries solid irons heated over another hear source and others with chambers for charcoal to keep the iron hot were used . The invention of the electric iron in 1882 is credited to Henry W. Seely of New York, and the first thermostatically controlled electric iron appeared in the 1920s. Later, steam was used to iron clothing. Thomas Sears is given credit for the invention of the steam iron. Not to be confused with Sears of Sears Roebuck fame. The invention of permanent press fabrics promised a world free of the drudgery of ironing, but in the real world and even with introduction of twenty first century steamers and other means of pressing fabric, the iron has never been put out of use.

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