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Home and Garden theme bridal shower?

I'm going to a bridal shower where the invite said a Home and Garden theme and said to bring gifts that the couple can use for home renovations. Any ideas on what to buy?I have not seen their house so I am unsure of home decor, etc.


gardening tools gift certificate for a gardening/ plant store yard flower pots recycling containers household drill
Sounds to me like a rude way to get Home Depot and Lowe's gift cards without coming right out and saying it. Whatever you get someone else will probably think of it also. Tough one.
Try to find out if they have a registry. That sounds so specific. Even if they don't have a registry, if you ask around to others that will be attending surely someone knows of what they need.
I think the best gift for this situartion would be a gift card to Home Depot or Lowe's, or another store like that. That way they can use it towards whatever home renovation stuff they really need. Get them a gift card in a denomination you are comfortable with, and wrap it up really cute, maybe in a flower pot with some seed packets, or tied to a hammer that you've painted their names on the handle. Something to make it cute and personal.
It's a shame they don't have a registry because I'm sure they will get a lot of mismatched tools and what not, but that's what gift reciepts are for! I would just go into any hardware store and buy them some of the basics. If you want the home repair theme, go with something like a screwdriver set or a wrench set, those come in very handy, you can even get his and her sets, they make nice sets in pink for the girls. I've been to a shower like this before and I got an outside garbage bin and filled it with lots of home repair items and included things like tools, gloves, garbage bags etc. If you go with the garden theme, you could always get a wheel barrow and fill it with gifts as well, like hand gardening tools, or hoses, seed packets, pretty potting planters, bird seed, plant food etc. I think you could have a lot of fun with it, I know I could walk into a home and garden store and find a million things that I'd want to buy. Just go walk around and see what you would choose to fix your home or garden and then get that for them! Good Luck!

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