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How about the current market price for the film solar?

How about the current market price for the film solar?


The price of film solar varies based on the quality and quantity. The expensive one could be RMN 150 each, while the cheaper on could be only RMB 25 each.
Just for your reference, we are a film solar supplier based in US, and the price for the film solar is around USD 20 each.
I did some research in the film solar market, and the average price is around RMD70 each.
The a-Si ( Amorphous Silicon) thin film solar cells, with the advantage of short energy recovery period, simple manufacture process, inexpensive cost, good performance at high temperature and deposition on the flexible substrate, have been commercially produced and used in daily life.
The price for the film solar in the Chinese market is changed a lot due to the mass production of the film solar in a lot of factories.

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