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How can the bamboo fiber products be washed properly?

How can the bamboo fiber products be washed properly?


Bamboo fiber towel because of its good water absorption, wet water after its weight has increased significantly, and there is excellent drape. Therefore, when hanging after use, it is better to hang on the bar, rack and other force on the larger area of the goods. If it is hung on the nail, hook and other sharp objects, the hanging part of the local fiber in the greater gravity, it is easy to change or break, shorten the service life.
The strength of bamboo fiber is better when it is dry, but the fiber elasticity is suppressed and its strength is weakened after wet water. In the use of bamboo fiber towels in the process, individual consumers always use methods use cotton towel, which is too hard to wring the water, the more the better to wring a towel dry. For bamboo fiber towels, this is unnecessary, because bamboo fiber towel water absorption ability, moderate wring water, you can clean the face moisture. If too much force to twist, it is possible to wring bamboo fiber towels, for damage to stay hidden. Also avoid tearing or pulling wet towels. In addition, bamboo fiber permeability is good, with the suspension after the towel contains water easily evaporate naturally, do not have to worry about excessive moisture and towels appear "cover" phenomenon.
Not with the chemical fiber fabric with washing machine, avoid the use of detergent and wash clean cleaning, preferably with soap liquid detergent or washing soap, gentle hand wash, washing machine cleaning is not recommended.

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