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How can you encourage chipmunks to find a new home so that they stop destroying my property and garden?

Although chipmunks are cute and fun to watch, they can be very destructive with their underground tunnels. My neighbor's brick paver patio is caving in because of this. My garden is full of holes because they like digging out my tulip bulbs. They gnaw on them a bit and then leave them in the sun to die. Is there something I can put on the bulbs when I plant them so that the chipmunks will leave them alone? Is there something I can put in my garden that will keep the chipmunks out? My neighbor has tried several things without success including baby powder with cayene pepper. The chipmunks are also destructive if they get trapped. Last year, one got trapped in my garage and damaged the weather stripping on the bottom of the door in an attempt to get out. Is there anything that I can put down that won't harm them but will keep them away?


*sniff* So... ya want me to leave? *sob*
so find something that they hate and put it in the holes
I had that problem and used an electronic noise maker that kept them spooked it took about three weeks but they left and I do not know where, Check at a lawn and garden center.
Get a Cat. Rescue one until there's None!

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