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How do I disconnect vertical pipe from horizontal pipe on a submersible well pump?

How do I disconnect vertical pipe from horizontal pipe on a submersible well pump?


WHAT! This neighbor sounds off her meds wacky.. I would document her behavior.. Foul languge and ALL! Have another neighbor videotape her behavior.. Especially the squirting with the hose! INSANE! I mean does she just hang out at her house with the hose on?She sounds like she might be some sort of MRDD- and she needs some type of monitoring.. I used to work with MRDD adults as a home health/care giver and it sounds like something one of my former clients would do You may have to contact the police or some form of social services to check up on her.. If you see her with anyone else you may want to pop over and speak with them. They may be a social worker or direct care worker They may be able to help you. Also, why not take her hose away when she's NOT home or she's inside!
Hi there, I'm sorry about that. This happens a lot, though. Some people enjoy bothering other people or your neighbor just might need help. It also depends on how old she is. She might just be 8 or something. If so, tell her parents. I advise you, before calling anyone else, try talking to her first. Ask her what's gotten into her and ask to stop disturbing you. There might be a reason she's doing it. If she doesn't stop, try threatening her. Tell her you'll call the police or a mental specialist. Hiding would help too. If she knows you're not around, there would be no one to bother, right? Good Luck, i really hope she stops.
With all due respect, you're kinda dumb if you're willing to risk eye damage for a game. Go to Wal-Mart and buy another airsoft mask or goggles.
Get it on video or at least record the sound. It's not that difficult these days to set up a nanny-cam and have your computer record stuff. Document each and every thing that happens. Keep your records simple and straightforward. If someone witnesses it, put in their name and phone . When you have enough you will need to get a court order to keep her away.
The first answerer is spot-on! Excellent advice. However, regarding their first sentence, I would strongly recommend video recording over just audio recording. The visual will make it far easier to immediately ascertain what's happening.

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