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How do I stop my dog from jumping on the sofa?

I have tried so many ways of trying to stop her from doing this but nothing seems to work! She knows the word 'off' and does as shes told sometimes but other times she doesn't listen and thinks its a game. I can't ignore her because then she'll just think shes allowed and I've tried coaxing her off with a toy or physically removing her. I've even got to the point at shouting at her but I don't think that helps! lol She's got a bed in the lounge with a padded bottom so it's comfy too but this doesn't stop her from using the sofa. I dunno what else to try, any ideas?


She thinks it's a game because you made it a game. You need to make it not so much fun now. When she gets on the sofa, tell her off. If she does not instantly get off, remove her and take her to her crate for 5 mins or so. Repeat until she gets it. If she gets off and hops right back on, same deal. Do it every time. Using treats or toys to entice her down makes getting on the couch so she can be told to get off a very fun thing and a great way to get you interacting with her. Crating her when she does this, won't be so fun. You don't have to separate her long, just long enough to make sure she knows that this behavior is the fastest way to be denied your company and attention. (Pushing the dog off the couch can often be interpreted by the dog as play. Don't push her, remove her from the room by crating her in another area for a short time.)
start training him when there no one around. Keep him on a leash and have treats hidden. Make sure to teach him a sit or down command. When you are on the couch, ask him to sit/down and give him a treat when he does. Keep increaing the amount of time he stays in the position and continue to treat when he's succesful. Once he's got this down with you, slowly add mroe people to the coach and repeat the same, starting at short interval and increasing the amount of time hes calm while off the coach. You want to set him up for succes and avoid having him jump on in the first place
Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond),
She jumps off, you take her down, she does it again, you take her down. Its repetative but affective. When she jumps up tell her 'No' put her down. Dont make eyecontact just do it as if you are completely ignoring her (well its really not ignoring her its telling her right from wrong, im sure the dog isnt going to get depressed just because it cant sit on the lounge). Even after you have pull her down walk her to her own bed, tell her to sit, stay and reward. Than go back to the lounge, if she goes to get up again, tell her no and repeat everything. Its a matter of consistancy, she should soon realize its a no go zone if you keep at her. If you reward her and praise her for staying on her own bed than she won't fear it, even sit her bed near the lounge and every so often when she stands on it with all legs reward her or use her bed as a reward source. Train her that if you say 'Bed' she knows to go to the bed and she'll get a reward or a chew bone or something. It doesnt have to be a fear thing for her.
The PetSmart class teaches sit, down, come, and the very basics every dog needs to know. They will also help socialize your dog. You are unhappy with an untrained dog, and believe it or not, the dog is actually unhappy to. You need to take your dog now, as the older he gets, the harder it will be to correct your dog's bad habits. Plus the classes are fun for you and your dog. My dog went from that first PetSmart class on to advanced obedience classes. You might also contact your local humane society. The one in my area offers obedience classes with a very good trainer at a reduced price.

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