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How do lithium batteries perform in extreme heat?


Lithium batteries do not perform well in extreme heat. High temperatures can accelerate the degradation of the battery, leading to reduced capacity, shorter lifespan, and potential safety risks such as swelling or even thermal runaway. Therefore, it is important to avoid exposing lithium batteries to extreme heat to maintain their optimal performance and longevity.
Lithium batteries generally perform poorly in extreme heat as high temperatures can cause accelerated aging, reduced capacity, and even potential safety risks such as leakage or thermal runaway. It is important to avoid exposing lithium batteries to extreme heat to maintain their optimal performance and longevity.
Lithium batteries generally do not perform well in extreme heat. High temperatures can cause increased self-discharge, accelerated degradation of battery materials, and reduced capacity. Additionally, overheating can lead to thermal runaway, a potentially dangerous condition where the battery temperature increases rapidly and uncontrollably. Therefore, it is important to avoid exposing lithium batteries to extreme heat to maintain their performance and safety.

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